Tracy Wildlife Women's Auxiliary

The Tracy Wildlife Women’s Auxiliary is a viable part of the Tracy Wildlife Association.. The object of our Auxiliary is to foster and support the Tracy Wildlife Association in all its work and assist in any way possible. Our organization will only be as good as the members make it. We strive to make this a team effort with all members. If we work together we can have a great organization, make new friends and have fun doing it. Any woman who’s spouse is a member of the Tracy Wildlife Association and would like to join the Women’s Auxiliary may still do so for $10.00 a year, renewal being January 1st, of every year. Our meetings are the 1st Monday of every month at the Tracy Wildlife Rec. Room at 7:00 p.m.

Click Here for Women Aux Application for membership

The Women’s Auxiliary members meet at 7:00 p.m. the 1st Monday of every month.  New members may join at any time throughout the year providing your spouse is a member of the Association.  We’re open for suggestions on activities.  Watch for fliers on TWL grounds for other activities that may not be scheduled at this time.

Please support the Women’s Auxiliary by joining us at our functions and attending monthly meetings.  All proceeds earned will be used for the good of the island.

Women’s Auxiliary 2019 Calendar of Events


Below is a list of the Women’s Auxiliary Officers:
President:  Linda Wilcox  (209) 677-7286
Vice President:  Nancy Hagen